Direct mail marketing is a straightforward way to reach out to existing and prospective customers without making them feel like they’re being bombarded with too much information. It can be a subtle marketing technique that simply promotes your brand, products, services, and special offers without necessarily making them feel overwhelmed or like they’re being targeted in the same way that digital marketing does. One of the greatest attributes of leveraging a direct mail marketing campaign is that it makes customers feel like they’re more in control over the type of messaging that they’re exposed to.
If your goal is to generate more responses, then you need to implement enticing, engaging, and well-thought-out direct mail marketing strategies that speak directly to your audience members. Here’s how you can do just that.
Target the Appropriate Audience
The first step to creating a successful direct mail marketing campaign for e-commerce websites is to identify and get to know your target audience well. Compile a mailing list that consists of people who have visited your website and subscribed to your newsletter or made past purchases. This is a tangible method of staying in touch with them and checking in from time to time to help them keep your brand top of mind. Categorize your prospects based on specific attributes, so that you can create personalized and targeted mailing pieces that appeal to each individual specifically.
Use Keywords That Emphasize Your Value
Similar to digital marketing, direct mail marketing pieces need to grab the attention of your intended audience members and demographic. Include keywords that speak directly to your audience and reflect your brand messaging perfectly. The right combination of high-quality images and copy can be a powerful tool when composing an effective direct mail marketing campaign. On-point brand messaging should explain the benefits of your brand, product, and services using a few simple words and include a call-to-action that instructs your customers on how they can take advantage of your offer.
Make Use of Certain Fonts and Colors
Graphics, colors, and fonts that you use in the design of your mailers should accurately and appropriately represent your brand. Colors and imagery have the power to evoke specific emotional responses in people, so it’s important to be very careful when designing the visual components of your mailers. You can invoke that kind of mass appeal that many high-profile brands do with a carefully curated brand image for your dietary supplement direct mail marketing campaign or any other business ventures you have on the go.
Change Your Frequency
Mange your mailing frequency so that it remains at an appropriate level for each customer. Give people options in terms of how often they receive physical correspondence and marketing pieces from you. Some people may want more frequent mailers while others may opt for once a month or every other week. Try not to bombard your prospects with too many mailers as this can overwhelm and even frustrate them.
Time your direct mail marketing pieces appropriately for holidays, birthdays, milestones, and even personal occasions like special promotions for customer birthdays. This will keep your brand at the forefront of your customers’ minds when the time comes to shop for special occasions without oversaturating their mailboxes.
Perform Test Campaigns
Campaign tests are a great way to generate more customer responses and get feedback on specific current or upcoming promotions. Gather a general consensus and then segregate the responses based on type of feedback, demographic, and any other applicable categories. This will help you get a better understanding of what your audience members like and dislike about your campaign in a general sense as well as on a more individual basis.
If you’re getting the same kind of feedback from multiple sources, then you know what types of changes need to be made to make your digital marketing campaigns more impactful.
Personalize Your Desired Responses
Personalization is one of the cornerstones of a successful marketing campaign when it comes to direct mail for e-commerce companies and websites. Let’s face it: digital marketing is a convenient tool to expand your customer outreach, but most of the time customers get annoyed when online advertisements interrupt their videos or other media.
Well-crafted mailers grab people’s attention without interrupting their daily lives. The more you personalize them according to the sensibilities of your audience members, the more likely they are to respond in the way that you want. Providing a special discount code or offer has been proven to increase website traffic.
Make It a Limited-Time Offer
Adding a specific deadline to your offer creates a sense of urgency and plays into a well-known phenomenon known as FOMO (fear of missing out). When people are given a deadline by which they have to perform a certain action, it makes them think longer and harder about what they want to do in the present moment. Prospects that are on the fence about trying your product or supporting your brand will be more motivated to act now.
Don’t be vague by saying it’s a limited-time offer, though. Provide a deadline date by which they have to perform the specific action and give instructions on how to do so, such as visiting your website or sending an email.
Incorporate Proven Marketing Methods
Another way to drive up website traffic and response rates is by employing clever tried-and-true direct mail marketing techniques that work. These include sweepstakes/contests where people are given the opportunity to win prizes, samples, discounts, coupons, the ability to opt out of auto-renewals at any time, and explaining the benefits of your brand and how it can improve the lives of your customers.
Measure Your Direct Mail Marketing Performance
Use A/B testing to measure the performance of various direct mail marketing campaign strategies. Send out multiple mailers featuring similar messaging and promotions, but with variations in graphics, visuals, fonts, and other physical components. See which ones yield the most positive responses amongst certain demographics during a certain test period and use this data to produce more personalized direct mail marketing material for your website.
If you need help creating affordable and effective direct mail marketing strategies to bolster your digital advertising and drive up website traffic, then you’ve come to the right place. North American Media specializes in creating a wide range of marketing materials that are guaranteed to generate more positive results and responses for your brand. Contact us today to learn more.
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